The birds of Palayamkotai went extinct as most of the day was done for them yet it was my beginning as I lazily rubbed my eyes, waking up from another k-pop dream at nine. I took some time to reach the planet earth while my hands went in search of my 7 inches magic tablet that lights up and rings in one touch, my phone. As the internet was turned on my phone buzzed with few many notifications and one among them was a class assignment by my faculty to write this particular piece to be evaluated. (Was not 14th a holiday?)
While crushing my brain to find a most suitable topic as in relation to ‘Social change.’ I went jumping from WhatsApp to Google, asking my friends for a suggestion and surfing to find an answer. The process became a daily routine for almost two days until I was enlightened while sitting under my Crompton Greaves ceiling fan to write about social media in which me along with my friends are indulged in. Usage of social media by the generation named as a social change ages ago but now social media has evolved itself to be the primary tool in bringing a change in our society.

Social change can be driven by culture, religion, economy, science and technology. All these rely mostly on social media as a medium to reach the wider crowd. While social networks are being blasted for miscellaneous crimes, we often fail to notice the bountiful awareness, skill, knowledge and opportunities we gain from them.
The network has influenced a great change where we have to login in Twitter to be updated with our prime minister through his tweets and selfies. What an hashtag #Change Sirji?

Though the era made people prefer capturing the moment than living them, we aren’t the ones to judge. Cause they might re-live them later or feel alive through likes and comments they have received. Personally I believe that social media has helped many to stand out for themselves and overcome their inbuilt fear. The platform helped in bringing out fascinating art of unsung artists, to fight inferiority, to break stereotype on beauty, to uplift housewives and commoners as entrepreneurs. I at the age of 20 am able to write and have my own BlogShop because of social media, people across the globe motivate me in daily life through social media by being themselves.

Many points can be added so on but I decide to stop here by stating these lines. This generation has started to explore and discover themselves while few end up falling in a pit. These victims are also given a chance to relieve and hope only through this medium.
I wish all your souls to be enriched with the goodness of social media for a better change. And… Don’t forget to add me in all your accounts. I will be here around. Let’s together build a better world.
Thank you!
Note: Picture credit goes to their respective owners.